How to get to EOE 2023 at Metsäkartano, Rautavaara Finland

Information on Group Transportation

Are you interested in the group transportation from Kuopio to Metsäkartano and back? In case you are, please inform us in your registration and by email

Timetable of the Group Transportation from Kuopio to Metsäkartano and back:

3.10.2023 transportation to Metsäkartano from Kuopio railway station at 17:30 p.m and from Kuopio Airport at 18:00 p.m. 7.10.2023 transportation to Kuopio Airport and Kuopio railway station starting from Metsäkartano at 11:00 a.m (arriving at the airport and/or railway station about 12.40)
Please note that the transportation fee will be fixed later!

More Information on How to Get to Metsäkartano

Are you looking for a Rideshare? Join the EOE2023 Facebook Event and tell it to the community!



During the conference weather can be everything from sunny and warm, up to snowy conditions. You should follow weather forecast before arriving, and gear up based on the weather forecast:
Finnish metorological institute:

During the conference you have possibility to swim on the open lake, do the canoeing, biking, hiking etc. Bring the gear you need for the activities you want to do or test.

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